Nick Cage after doing copious amounts of cocaine

Nicholas Cage

A very sober looking Nicholas Cage in the film Face-Off

Hi there,

John Travolta (@xenu1337)

Your Projects

Willy's Wonderland

Nicolas Cage fights a demonically-possessed alligator mascot with a mop. What more could you possibly ask for? Basically Five Nights at Freddy's the movie.


A touching meditation on grief and a critique of the high-end restaurant scene. Was originally marketed as a 'Taken' clone but is probably one of Cage's (legit) best films.

Bad Lieutenant

It's like watching a classic cop movie. Except all the actors are on crack, the writers were fueled by crack and all the production team & director were also on crack.


John Woo directing a high-tech wife-swap with guns. Nicholas Cage was also in 'Con-air' & 'The Rock' around this time which has got to be the best action movie run of all time!

National Treasure

Nicholas Cage in a PG Disney movie which is basically Mission Impossible meets Indiana Jones. Stealing the Declaration of Indepenence is easy - making it entertaining is tough!

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Nicholas Cage is...Nicholas Cage! The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent may have indeed been too much to bear with a lesser talent, but Nicolas Cage is more than enough to hold it up.


Actor Trips on Shrooms with cat

Earlier in his career Nicholas Cage owned a cat named Lewis who enjoyed partaking in Cage’s stash of magic mushrooms. Finally, Cage decided he should have some, too. “I remember lying in my bed for hours,” he said, “and Lewis was on the desk across from the bed for hours, staring at each other … not moving. But he would stare at me, and I had no doubt that he was my brother.”

Balding Hollywood Star Buys Dinosaur Skull

Cage purchased a skull from a Tyrannosaurus baatar for $276,000 in 2007 - a fossil that was later determined to be stolen.

Sex Sells

In October 2017, Cage aficionados in Japan were delighted to see the actor’s face emblazoned on packages of a crunchy corn snack called Deluxe Umaibou Nicolastick.